Review| Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling

Title: Why Not Me

Author: Mindy Kaling

Published: September 15th, 2015

Why not me


From the famous t.v. show The Mindy Project, and her first novel that hit the New York Times Bestseller’s list Everyone Is Hanging Out Without Me, Mindy Kaling is back with her latest novel Why Not Me. This novel follows Mindy’s life leading up to where she is now, and how she made it big as a writer, comedian, and actress on her show.

Mindy started out as a writer on The Office, after 8 years of success, she was ready for something new. That was when she was wrote, and stared in her show The Mindy Project. Mindy tells numerous stories that will have you cringing, laughing and crying once you read them!


Who was my favourite character and why?

This novel was mainly about Mindy Kaling’s life, her friends, her family and her adventures of becoming a comedian and writer. Mindy is quite the character, sharing more than she needs too, and telling jokes to easy an awkwardness, and to be honest it’s very funny!

Were the characters relatable and/or believable?

I couldn’t relate to Mindy because she lives in such a different world that I do, but I still enjoyed reading about her life, her challenges, and her ability to become successful. All the more, she was able to do it in a humorous way (bonus!).

Did the story keep you on the edge of your seat?

This wasn’t your average action novel that had me waiting to see what happened next, but it was an entertaining book that kept me wanting to read more.

Something I would change about the novel?

I enjoyed this novel, but some parts were a bit more detailed than they needed to be, but the stories she told were worth it.


Overall, if you are looking for a light read that will make you laugh, this is the novel for you!

I would give this novel 3 out of 5 tea mugs.

tea cup 2tea cup 2tea cup 2

Until next time,


I hope you enjoyed this post, and I would love to hear your feedback! Let me know what you thought in the comments. Stay tuned for next weeks post (I upload a post every other Thursday)!

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5 thoughts on “Review| Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling

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